Statement of Policy
In order to continue to communicate, form and minister to the children and youth of our parish, we will be hosting various online events/session for religious education and faith formation. These events/sessions may be recorded for individuals who are unable to attend them. These online events/sessions also will use software, tools and applications provided by third parties that participants, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and/or staff will access via the internet and will use for purposes of communication, programming and potential content creation. These platforms may include but are not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Classroom, GoToMeeting, and Zoom.
This Form provides your consent and release for your child to participate in the program(s) and to utilize these online applications for distance-based, virtual programming purposes. Please be aware that each application collects different information about its users, and has its own privacy terms and conditions to which participating users must adhere and for which Our Lady of Good Counsel or the Diocese of Paterson cannot assume control or responsibility. Please review the terms of each application carefully before registering your child. At the same time, our commitment to youth and child safety and protection means that we will actively monitor your child’s activity during the online sessions.
Parents/Legal guardians of children and youth participating in online events/sessions agree to the following:
Permission to Participate:
I permit my child/ren to participate in the religious education/faith formation/youth ministry events that will be conducted virtually and on-line during 2020-21. I understand that at least two safe environment certified adults will monitor all on-line communications, sessions, event, chats, etc. at all times. I verify that I have read this Consent and Release Form and agree to its terms and conditions.
I understand and agree that any such session may be recorded by the Parish in the Parish’s sole discretion (“Recordings”), that the Recordings will be viewed by individuals who missed or were unable to attend the session, and that the Parish cannot control who may view the Recordings along with the individuals who missed or who were unable to attend the session. I further
understand and agree and that the Recordings may, in the Parish’s sole discretion, be shared with Parish staff, used for future catechesis or educational purposes, or shared in connection with an investigation of any alleged misconduct. I agree that the Recordings will be made without further notice and without compensation, and I agree that the Recordings shall constitute the sole property of the Parish.
To the fullest extent of the law, I further hereby hold harmless, release and forever discharge the Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel, the Diocese of Paterson, its Bishop and their employees, agents, licensees and legal representatives from, and shall indemnify them against, all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or any other person(s) acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of my Child’s participation in the program(s) and through my authorization, consent and release herein.