Memorials provide a meaningful way to remember our deceased loved ones. With a Memorial you may request to sponsor the Flowers, Sanctuary Candle or Bread & Wine for the Masses on a specific day or weekend. If you have any questions or if you would like more information please contact Jennifer Herd in the Parish Office at 973-839-2447 or email [email protected].
To order a memorial, please click here: note that requests must be received by Tuesday in order to appear in the following Sunday’s bulletin.
Payment by credit card is now an option
or you may stop by the office to pay with cash or a check.
If you prefer to pay by check: Please make it payable to OLGC & include "Memorial" on the memo line.
If you wish to mail your check please send it to:
Our Lady of Good Counsel, 155 West Parkway, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 attn: Memorials